I figure very few people who don't already know me will happen upon this website, but I may as well put this here.
I am 20 years old, people call me rook or graves, but it's hard for me to say anything in particular is "my name." I like music + movies + writing/drawing when I feel I can. most of all I like sleeping, I think. I am very interested in the concepts of: ghosts, angels, ennui, rapture, dreams, etc.
I don't leave the house much for various reasons, so I spend most of my time in my room. I'm generally awake at night, also for various reasons. I'm currently in university studying film, but I'm not sure how long that will last. I have a tuxedo cat named verona who I adopted on january 10, 2022. I write a lot about death because I haven't experienced much in my life. I don't have many friends and find it hard to talk to people. most of these things have only become facts about me within the past two years.
paracosmic is where I keep the writing I'm okay with showing to others, mainly as an exercise for myself to start sharing my writing more. I find that sharing writing is harder than sharing art because you're requesting more time invested than to simply look at a picture. writing tends to be more revealing than art, too, at least the way I do it. but I think I'm better at writing...
the styling on this site is very simple due to personal choice; I have quite a bit of experience with html/css but I think the visuals of a website directed towards writing should be generally unobtrusive... I also kind of can't be bothered :(.
a lot of the things on paracosmic were written before its creation; I may occasionally put new things here but I don't think I write often enough for it to happen continually.
here's a list of places you can find me online.
as I said on the homepage, if you like something on this website, please feel free to tell me (either here on neocities or in my tumblr askbox), it makes my day! if you would like me to post something I've written on tumblr so you can reblog it I will do so no problem. thank you for visiting paracosmic!